Sutton Hill Stables
Quality care for your horse
Welcome to Sutton Hill Stables. We provide riding lessons, horse boarding, horse training, trailer loading lessons, as well as composted manure with peat moss for your garden!
Our facilities include:
- a large 100’ X 200’ out door arena with excellent footing that is groomed regularly
- A round pen
- Nine acres of well maintained and managed pasture
- A 70’ X 120’ coverall indoor arena with new low dust footing and wooden kick wall
- A run in paddock that extends underneath the hay barn so horses can get out of the weather
- An insulated 19 stall horse barn with large cement aisles bright lights and lots of windows
Our outdoor arena with the coverall and horse barn in the background
301 Sutton RD
Port Williams
Nova Scotia B0P 1T0
Phone: 902-456-8601
Copyright 2011 to Present SUTTON HILL STABLES